hot-dip galvanising
“STP ELBUD” sp. z o.o. provides hot-dip galvanising services. Applying zinc coating on steel elements is one of the best methods to protect the material against corrosion. It consists in immersing steel elements in liquid zinc at a temperature of approx. 450°C.
With many years of experience on the market, we provide the highest quality services based on PN-EN-ISO 1461. We also provide services according to individual needs and requirements of the customer.
The dimensions of our galvanising tank are 7.5 m x 1.5 m x 2.9 m (the working dimensions of galvanised elements are 6.5 m x 1.3 m x 2.3 m). We galvanise elements up to 2 tonnes.
The galvanizing process consists of the following steps:
– degreasing
– etching
– fluxing
– drying
– galvanising
Advantages of hot-dip galvanising:
– long-term protection of steel against corrosion
– high resistance to friction and impact
– aesthetic appearance
– no maintenance required
– cathodic protection
– environmentally friendly
– good value for money
Over the years, we have specialised in galvanising various products, such as elements of power towers, elements of road barriers, platform gratings, scaffolding elements, cold-rolled sections, building structures, fences, meshes, pallets, etc. We galvanise elements for the Polish, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovak and German markets. High quality and durability of our protective coatings ensure long-term use.
Detailed requirements for the preparation of hot-dip galvanising structures can be found in the General Technical Conditions tab.
Our plant is located in Bukowno near Olkusz, ul. Kolejowa 37.